Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Sunday night roast chicken

Every Sunday, I try to spend a few hours preparing food for the week ahead.

We receive our fresh box of produce on Monday, so it is a good opportunity to cook whatever is leftover and be ready to welcome our new box (we are both quite childish about the box, looking forward to receiving it each week).

Our Sunday night meal often looks like a vegetable side dishes buffet, along with a nice naturally raised roasted chicken from the nearby Mennonite country. This chicken is so flavourful that only a few seasonings make it delicious. This week, after massaging my seven pounder with nice Crête olive oil from Alex Farm, I rubbed it with the following rub and hop! put it in a 350 F oven for about 3 1/2 hours (it was a large chicken).


1 tbsp hot smoked Spanish paprika (one of my new favourite spices)
1/2 tbsp coarse sea salt
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp celery seeds


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bravo pour ton blog bouffe! il est très bien fait, organisé, joli à regarder, alléchant à lire, et me donne l'impression de passer un peu de temps en ta compagnie, ce qui me manque beaucoup étant donné la distance qui nous sépare maintenant. I look forward to more! H.C.

January 10, 2006 3:20 p.m.  

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