Sunday, April 23, 2006

Muffin-size Finnish apple pancake

This recipe is taken form Dieticians of Canada's Cook Great Food book.

I had a lot of fun making it this morning, which gave me the chance to try my new silicone muffin pan - which I love, by the way.

The recipe can be found on my French blog, Pâté chinois et Cie, at Pâté chinois et Cie.: Douceurs du dimanche matin - Flans aux pommes
arrosés de sirop d'érable

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Fish filet sandwich

I made this for lunch today, and I'm really glad that my stop over at the supermarket on my way home ended up with healthy food, rather than all the junk I'm prone to buy when I'm there and I'm hungry.

I used Pita Break rye pitas, wich I garnished with a filet of sole breaded with a mixture of equal parts Engevita yeast and wheat germ, then cooked in a non-stick pan, and topped my sandwich with arugula and sundried tomatoes. I even created 'healthy mayo' by mixing plain yogurt, grainy mustard and chopped capers.

All in all, my lunch was very healthy. Too bad for M., who was not hungry. He missed a darn good sandwich! Posted by Picasa